
How many colors are there in this world??? What are they???Best answer gets 10 marks?

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How many colors are there in this world??? What are they???Best answer gets 10 marks?




  1. There are an infinite number of shades made up of combinations of red, yellow, blue (the primary colors) and black and white.

  2. Careful measurements of our visual system’s best performance have been made by psychophysicists (people who study human responses, like seeing color, to things in the world, like light). They have shown that we can see

    about 1000 levels of light-dark, 100 levels of red-green, and 100 levels of yellow-blue for a single viewing condition in a laboratory. This means that the total number of colors we can see is about 1000 x 100 x 100 = 10,000,000 (10 million). A computer displays about 16.8 million colors to create fullcolor

    pictures, really more than necessary for most situations.

    However, the answer is not quite so simple. What color looks like is greatly affected by the viewing conditions. These conditions include the color of the lighting, the amount of lighting, and other colors in the scene. Colors also appear in different modes when they appear on different objects such

    as surfaces, light sources, or within volumes. Different people also have slight differences in the way they see color.

    Since we can see at least 10-million colors in a single viewing condition and the variety of viewing conditions and observers is endless, then the only truly correct answer is infinity. If we have 10-million colors, times 10-million lighting types, times 10-million lighting levels, times 10-million

    surrounding colors, times 6-billion people in the world, times 3 modes of viewing we get a really huge number. The result of that multiplication is 18 followed by 33 zeros (18,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,... or 18

    decillion. That might not quite be infinity, but is close enough since all those estimated numbers are probably on the low side. And there is no way to exactly measure each of them.

  3. There are three primary colors:  red, blue and yellow.  All other colors are derived from various blends of these three colors.  There is also white, which is the absence of color.

  4. There is no limit to colors just in your backyard there's a variaty of beautiful colors. You can continue mixing colors for an infinity like magenta, a mixture of purple and red, turquoise, a mix of gree and blue. Many colors fill this universe. So there is like no limit until you get to the color black or white.

  5. its impossible to count it. and offcourse, more impossible to name it all!!, our computer now can identify more or less 6 000 000 colors....

  6. 3, red, blue, yellow, the rest evolve from this

  7. one for every day,

    get a grip.

  8. See, colors are made up from different wavelengths of light, which is an electromagnetic wave.

    The wavelengths of visible light vary from about 400-700 nanometers. By varying the wavelength, you can change the observed color. There can be an infinite number of different wavelength in this range itself, as you can always have a very tiny decimal difference and still obtain another different wavelength: hence, a new color.

    Thus, there can be an infinite number of colors, though there are just three primary colors of light: Red, Green, Blue AND three primary colors for pigments: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow.

  9. I did this about 6 weeks ago.

    Three primary colours, making up an unlimited (infinite) number of mixed" colours.


    After a while, YA seems to turn into Groundhog Day.

  10. 3 primary colors, and according to Crayola, at least 512 shades.

  11. I'm sure only God knows the answer to this question. It takes all colors together to make a beautiful rainbow.

  12. The best answer is infinity!

    You can change any color to be lighter darker paler or tanner!

    No really one set answer!

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