
How many comet goldfish can fit into a 75 gallon fish tank and can their old tanks become salt water tanks?

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Right now I have two in a 10 gal and two in a 20/30 gal. I'm seeing now that they are going to out grow they're tanks faster than I thought. So I'm thinking of moving my breadie out of the 75 gal since he's only in there at night and he's out growing his tank he's about 20 inches and 6 years old (so we don't get off the point here). How can I sanitize his tank so I can put fish into it? Breadies have salmonella in there f***s. Also can I change the current tanks into salt water tanks without starting all over?




  1. Goldfish can actually get up to 18". The rule of thumb is inches per gallon, so for a 75g you have 75 inches. So, you can fit 4 to 5 adult size gold fish in a 75. I wouldn't do anymore than this as goldfish are also the dirtiest fish - they produse the most waste the fastest.

    I wouldn't turn the 10 into a saltwater tank. Although it can be done, since it is such  small tank you will be able to put like two saltwater fish, 2" each and it would be very very hard to keep up with.

    Best of luck! Get a kickin filter for that 75 also!!

  2. Well moving the goldfish to the 75gal makes sense, maybe they will outgrow it eventually, but that will take years.

    I suggest you take the tank outside and hose and scrub it as well as you can, then wash it down with vinegar, rinse and let it dry.

    A fish tank is not a sterile environment at any time, so dont get too worried about a few 'germs', just get it looking clean and it will be fine.

    I suggest you do the same thing with the old tank if you want to go marine with them. Clean them out and start fresh, it will be simpler.

    When you move the fish to the new tank, move the small filters at the same time. That will help reduce any cycle problems in the 'new' tank and filter. After a couple of week the new tank / filter will have cycled and you can clean out the old filters and set them up in the small tanks again.


  3. First of all, 10 gal to 30 gal are too small for the beginner/intermediate saltwater enthusiast. Very difficult to maintain.   Use a 55 gal as a minimum salt water tank.  You must also be careful if you do decide to use these tanks as salts because of the possible chemical residue left on the silicone.  The copper you would use to treat ick is often retain permanently on the silicone and can be deadly to salt water fish.  Please reconsider.

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