
How many conservatives feel that liberals wield shame as a weapon? ?

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Sorry Mr. Exit-wound, I am the far left.




  1. the democratic party is based off of nothing but the resentment of these fringe people feeling wronged by something that happend hundreds of years ago, its all quite pathetic if you ask me, we are not our acestors, and we are most deifinitley not their sins  

  2. No, not g**s.  And I just think the rest of them should just get over it within the next, say, 200 years.

  3. Don't listen to people on the far right, or far left.

  4. It's a curious thing that some individuals are often offensive and cruel to the very people they have wronged. Whether they justify or rationalize themselves by attacking the character of the people they insult, or plead innocence by presenting the wrongs as a piece of history, or modern political correctness is immaterial - what they do is simple: They continue to perpetuate the wrong in the present and the future.

    I think many conservatives share this trait that sets them apart from decent people: No sense of shame, and a complete lack of accountability for whatever that comes out of their nasty gobs.

  5. Well as a conservative I think some wield shame as a weapon some not.  

    Which familiar institutions specifially do you mean?  marriage as an institution?

    If its g*y marriage.  personally I think if the objective for a g*y person is that they should be able to put their partner on their benefits ( health etc ) then absolutely.  Or to name a successor to their estate.. absolutely.  The question is... is that the objective?

    I like the way you posed the question as the premise is sound but the details are missing.  

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