I have 4 cops in my immediate and extended family total, and three days ago on our family get-together day I asked them a simple question. Do you really have any care about potsmokers? One answered that it should always be illegal, but the other three agreed with my cousin Bob, that it really doesn't s***w you up like alcohol does. Is this a thought by most police? Apparently they thought that alcohol is illegal due to the ability to clearly determine when someone is drunk, and the difficulty in being able to do the same when someone has been smoking marijuana. Is this why it is illegal, because it is so easily hidden? Clear eyes, a mouth mint, and enough self control can keep even the keenest cop from thinking you've been smoking pot. I know this by too many traffic stops after smoking. Though I'd never, EVER try to hide alcohol consumption because self control doesn't work. What do the officers on here believe?