
How many countries are in the world? (2008)?

by Guest33668  |  earlier

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one of my friends said that there are over 200 countries in the world, but i only found 197 countries on the map from last year.

so how many countries are in the world?




  1. there are 241 countries in the world as of now.

    but u have to manually count them. which i did.

    hope this helps! =)

  2. The exact number of countries in the world depends on what you define as a country.

    There are at least 192 independent, sovereign countries, because there are 192 member of the United Nations.  There are 193 countries that are generally recognized as sovereign by a majority of other countries.

    And then there are the places where it's not so clear.  There are other territorial areas that could be considered a country, if you want to define them that way:

    * there are places that are internally autonomous, but are technically governed by another country (e.g. Greenland, Cook Islands).

    * there are territories of countries that are treated as separate countries for such things as  sporting events, pageants, etc. (e.g. Puerto Rico)

    * there are places that consider themselves independent, but aren't generally recognized by other countries (e.g. North Cyprus, Somaliland)

    * there are places without an organized government that are controlled by another country (e.g. Palestine, Western Sahara)

    * there are the many territories that still exist, some of which are more on the independent side (e.g. many of the British territories, some of the French territories)), some which are more on the dependent side of the parent country (e.g. some of the Dutch territories, most of the American territories), and then there are territories that are practically full parts of the parent country (e.g. the Canadian territories).

    * there is the China and Taiwan issue, where each government claims to be the only legitimate government of both parts.  (Is this one country or two?)

    * there is the Sovereign Order of Malta (not the same as the country of Malta), that some recognize as independent (it issues stamps, money, and passports), but which has no territory at all.

    So, depending on where you want to draw the line, the total number of countries will range from 192 up to about 245-250.

  3. 195

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