
How many countries have stopped allowing Americans to adopt?

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I know that Vietnam recently stopped because of fraud and corruption and if I'm correct, Guatemala. Are there any others? Do you think that eventually IA will no longer exist? Why do you think other countries are quick to recognize adoption corruption and stop it, but we aren't?




  1. The United States Government decided not to let American's adopt from those countries because of corruption.  You have it backwards, the countries would still allow US citizens to adopt from them.

  2. I think you have it backwards, and I speak from experience.  WE have stopped allowing adoption from other countries due to corrupt governments, disagreements on adoption procedures and poor health conditions in orphanages. (US will not allow very sick children or children with certain illnesses to be adopted)  It is not the other countries not allowing US to adopt, although they would like you to think that, it is because an agreement has not been reached, and our standards are typically higher.   Now if only the US could apply those standards for foreign adoption to domestic adoption, it would be better for the children all around.

  3. No, you are actually more correct than wrong.  Many countries have closed or tightened their borders to foreign adoption, such as Russia, the Balkans, Guatemala, China, and others.  Since the great majority of foreign PAPS are from the US, your argument stands.  The great danger in this is that lobbyist groups like the NCFA, working on behalf of the industry, see this happening and have geared themselves and their marketing strategy to increasing the surrender rate domestically.  They have outlined their strategy on their website and in their literature, most notably, "Birthmother, Good Mother", an odious piece of literature.

  4. You do have it backwards.  The US has stopped working with Guatemala and Cambodia until those countries refine their processes.

    I know other countries still have an IA program with Cambodia.  Not sure about Guatemala and Vietnam.

    Romania completely closed down international adoptions, to all foreign countries.

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