
How many country's are in the world at the moment?

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How many country's are in the world at the moment?




  1. i would say about 195 or more at present, would be nice to have loads of money to visit them all and bring a souvenier back from each.

  2. 195

    Asia -49

    Europe -43

    Africa -54

    America -35

    Oceania -14

  3. 195

  4. i agree with the poster a couple all depends on what is considered a country.

    Technically under the 195....England and Scotland are not countries (although many consider them as so) they are part of the UK.

  5. It depends on how you define "country".  Is Greenland a country, or a self-governing Danish province? How about Taiwan, is it part of China?  Is American Samoa a separate country?  What is the status of the Autonomous Monastic State of the Holy Mountain in Greece?  And there are many other examples like this.

    Depending on how you count them, there are anything from 193 to 250 countries in the world.

  6. 195 plus their related dependencies.

  7. quite a few, i believe

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