
How many credits do you need to graduate High School?

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I live in South Carolina and was wondering how many credits you need to graduate High School. Any info is appreciated. Thanks in advance!





  1. It depends an the school you go to cause iknow at my school (i'm not in high school) but you have to like 30 or somthin' so hopefully that helps

  2. It really depends on the high school, they should've give u the info already at orientation or if u haven't had one yet they'll give u the info their.  Also, the info should be on the schools website.  At my high school we need 25.5 credits, like 4 history credits, 3 language arts, 3 math, 2 forign language, 2 physical ed, etc.  On my school's website the graduation requirements were under school info then graduation requirements however I don't know what your schools website is like.

    Anyway, hope I helpped a litte

    good luck


  3. Hi!

    It depends on your school and the offered subjects that you want to take. You should talk to the school's office, counselor, or teachers. They should provide you with much information.

    Good luck!

  4. The number of credits needed to graduate varies not only by state, but by individual school. Each school awards credits in slightly different manners and that is what changes the total needed for graduation. You might be able to find out how many credits you need on your school's website, if not you will need to contact a guidance counselor, teacher, or administrator at your school to ask.

    best of luck

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