
How many cups of Tea did you drink today???

by Guest32197  |  earlier

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I drank four cups today and thats a new record for me

and What are all of the Health benifits to drinking tea???




  1. iced tea or hot tea well either way i didnt drink either one but the days not over

  2. I drank one cup of sugar- free ice tea.

  3. This time of year I only drink Ice TEA... ABOUT a quart.

  4. I was sick for the last 4 days, drank 30 pots (no exaggeration) of varying teas and I feel freaking great!

    P.S. I like constant commet.

  5. water is good for health but tea is even better

    love a tall glass of iced tea. I drink it everyday, throughout the day. So I was happy to read that tea has been found to "exert significant protective effects...[on] skin, mammary, espophageal, gastric, hepatic, small intestinal, pancreatic, colon, bladder and lung cancer."

    Among the many benefits of tea are its ability to hydrate the body.

    It was once commonly thought that tea had the opposite effect, that is, that it caused dehydration,

    Although it is true that high doses of caffeine have a dehydrating effect, caffeine-containing beverages still provide a net gain of fluid,

    Tea is high in flavonoids, or polyphenol antioxidants, which protect cells. Researchers believe they help guard against heart disease and cancer. Tea may also help prevent bone loss and tooth decay.

    Though three cups of tea have been found to be beneficial, four or more cups -- even as many as six to nine, the amount consumed by some tea-loving Brits -- can do even more good, the latest research suggests.

    However, those tea-loving types tend to be in the over-40 segment of the population. Younger people in the UK are drinking less tea and likely consuming more soft drinks instead.

  6. None you weird Brit.

  7. I don't drink things that have caffeine in them.  Zero for me today.

  8. nothign a crappy taste

  9. eww none!

  10. Tea is an antioxidant that help maintain health in your body

  11. i drank one glass

  12. I lose count.  Maybe ...8?  I try to drink herbal tea and decaf some of the time so I don't get over-caffeinated.

    If you drink your tea black, one health benefit is that it's an essentially calorie free beverage.  The rest of the stuff about the benefits of tea I'm not sure if I believe or not.

  13. Some teas are supposed to be good for you, but I've never had a cup in my life.

  14. I also drink 4 cups of tea a day.

  15. I drink abut 5 a day with honey and sumrhing else.. i got stomach problems and its the only thing tht helps

  16. I did not have any tea today nor coffee either, just water...

  17. i drink anywhere for like 1-4.....but yeah its got antoxitants and stuff init, plus if you like it then u should drink  it haha

  18. no benefits.. it makes u addicted.. so beware.. drinkin milk instead is good

  19. 8 cups green tea, no sugar

  20. I don't drink much tea. I've had one cup of coffee today though it's only morning. I've usually had seven or eight by the end of the day. :(

    As for the health benefits of tea, all I know is that it's as hydrating as water.

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