
How many cups of tea do you drink per day?

by  |  earlier

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I have about 2 per day. I'm a lightweight.

Any hardcore tea drinkers here?




  1. None 4 me i dont like it

  2. I drink about 10 a day.... sometimes a lot more! (It depends if I have biccies to go with it!!)

  3. 3 or 4

  4. i would say i drink aboutthree cups of tea per day but almost allaways different kinds

  5. I like to have about 3 in the morning to get me going, usually 2 at lunch, 1 or 2 in the afternoon at work & at least 2 before bed. So surely 9 isn't too bad, coz when I was a coffee drinker it was about 15 cups a day & got the shakes when I decided to cut it all out.

  6. over 25 mugs a day

  7. None for I drink coffee.

  8. Only one.  Green tea.  Great antioxidant.

  9. Zero

  10. If it's iced tea, then 6-8.  I can really gulp it down.

  11. Lots of ice tea.. more than a few cups.. how bout quarts..

  12. I am addictive to tea that is why I try to stay away from it. When I do drink tea I usually drink around 8 cups in the morning, 11 cups during the afternoon, 12 cups after lunch, another 12 cups during dinner, 6 cups after dinner, and 5 cups before I go to bed. This is why I stay away from tea.

    If I do drink Tea I drink

    +Ginseng Tea

    +Green Tea

    +English Black Tea

    +Early Grey Tea

    +Chammomile Tea

  13. I used to have 2 a day before I went vegan...and soymilk in tea, for me personally, is gross.

    ...and black tea is worse.

  14. None; I drink coffee.

  15. 3 cups--one with breakfast, 2 in the afternoon

  16. I'm a hardcore tea drinker, I have at least 7 cups in a day.  If I'm at (older) relatives houses normally a cup every 20 minutes, I think its an east end thing.

  17. A large mug to start with, then over the course of the morning a flask-full - then another couple of cups during the afternoon. Only one coffee though !

  18. Probably drink about thirty mugs of tea  in a week.  It is a family trait!  I guess you can say I am a heavyweight tea drinker.  Nothing to beat it.

  19. 2

    4 if its cold

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