
How many cups of water do you normally drink?

by  |  earlier

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I know 8 is what your supposed to drink but I want to know bout u




  1. alot

    sometimes a gallon

    no less than 2

  2. 4-8

  3. sadly i drink like less than 3 cups but i am trying to drink 8 like i did it for one day then the next i drank like 2 >< i reallie hate water my favorite beverage is milk my bf is soda  

  4. I drink about 2-3 cups of unflavored water.  I usually drink flavored drinks like crystal light or Tang in the morning while I work.  Since I work on a horse farm and don't have much time to grab snakes, these drinks help to give me the energy I need to keep going.  After I finish the bottle of tang or crystal light, I refill the bottle with water and drink that.  I can easily go through 2-3 bottles on a really hot day.

  5. In a 24 hr period stick with 5-8 8oz servings of water; however if exercising or in very hot weather, you should up your intake.

  6. i usually drink about 6-8 bottles a day. if your trying to get the daily requirements you might want to try the ice tea singles or crystal light packs. they are botha  great way to flavor your water.

  7. I make myself drink a 16 oz water bottle before I eat my dinner, and then I drink 2 liters of diet soda, but I have cut down when I switched to diet root beer.. it's hard to drink too much of. I'm thirsty right now but I'm chewing gum and don't want to spit it out :P I got enough fluids because I pee constantly!  

  8. 8 -10


  9. 1


  10. i drink about 4 cup of water

  11. Oh at least 8.

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