
How many days after a pot of coffee is made can you still drink it?

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How many days after a pot of coffee is made can you still drink it?




  1. It'll usually mold out after a couple days.  usually tastes like c**p after a few hours anyway.  Don't be a cheapskate, brew a fresh pot.

  2. I'd say no longer then one day, since coffee usually tastes pretty bad afterwords. I agree with one of the previous answers -- get a small coffee maker. Or, you could try an individual coffee maker -- there are some of those on the market.

    Are you asking because there's coffee at home that's really old? If it is older then 1 day, I would dump it out and start a new pot. Take no chances.

  3. Coffee is gross after two or three hours.Get a coffee maker that only makes 4 cups.that or make instant then theirs no waste if your that concerned just go to dunkins where the REAL coffee is.

  4. coffee taste nasty after sitting just  afew hours UNLESS you put in in the fridge for ice coffee then it should be OK

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