
How many days after ovulation can you test?

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I have some pregnancy tests that measure from 10ml of the pregnancy hormone. How many days before the normal tests or how many days after ovulation would this normally work?

No childish answers please......




  1. I ordered test that detect 10 to 15miu and it sais you can test as early as 7 days past ovulation. My period is supposed to start on the 15th and I am going to test tomorrow. Keep us posted, and good luck. I know the wait to test is

  2. I would wait at least 10DPO....that way you don't get false negatives.  And it is alwys safe to wait until after AF is due or you are late becuse so many women do not have the HCG in them until further along in the pregnancy....

  3. Generally waiting until about 14 days after possible conception is your best bet.  Good luck!

  4. It will vary from woman to woman on how long it takes the hCG to get into the urine. You can start testing at 10DPO but be prepared to have false negatives. Its best to wait until you missed your period and test, or at least 14DPO.

    Good lucK!  

  5. I also got some of those tests, and mine say you can test 6 DPO, but I'm going to wait until 10 DPO to test. Your hCG levels are suppose to double every day once you conceive.

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