
How many days after taking Flagyl should I actually wait?

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I'm on my last day of taking Flagyl for a pelvic abscess. I've been researching how long it is you're supposed to wait to drink after taking this medication, but I can't get a straight answer. The sites I've been getting this information from definitely seem to have the credentials to be correct, but the answers are all over the place. Half the sites say wait 1 day, half the sites say wait 3. I don't want to wait 3 days unless it is completely, absolutely necessary.

All this being said, I will most likely only wait one day anyway; but what do you think (or know) to be the right amount of waiting time.




  1. idk

  2. Wait for one week. Drink is not needed urgently. Resolution of pelvic infection takes longer time than throat or skin infection.More over Flagyl is both bactericidal and parasiticidal.

  3. Do you really NEED to drink that soon?  Why can't you just wait until its totally safe?  I've never taken it before but, i would wait a week just in case.  There is no point in risking your health.

  4. 72 hours is the time frame, 3 days.  Go ahead and only wait one day.  you will throw your toenails up.  Maybe next time you will listen if you live.

  5. 3 days is correct

  6. You should not drink at all while you are on it and  wait for 3 days after you are finished taking it..

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