
How many days after you sell something do you have before you can sell it again if they have not came and got?

by  |  earlier

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i sold a truck 1 month ago and i dont know who bought it or how to get in touch with him and it has to be moved

and yes got payment




  1. If you "got payment" ... was it a cashier's check that was too big and did they have you send the extra money to someone by Western Union?

    If so, you are never going to see the buyer ... because the check was fake and your bank will take back ALL the money,including what they sent you.

    If that's what happened, re-sell the truck, and meet the buyer first.

  2. Can you give more details?  Your question is not very clear.  What exactly did you sell?  Where and how did you sell it?  Did you receive payment?  Do you have anything in writing?

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