
How many days approximately does a tourist need to see Azerbaijan and Turkey each?

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How many days approximately does a tourist need to see Azerbaijan and Turkey each?




  1. there alot of sand so id say about 10 days will be more than enough

    if i were you id just stay in Turkey where the beaches are at the water will cool you off i imagine its very hot

    and that probably where everything is at as far as tourism

    around the sea  

  2. See? See what??

    Hehe... look, it takes about 3 hours to get Baku from Istanbul by THY. So, all u have to do is take a window seat. And see...:))) Each. ;)

    Seriously, there's no limit. Coz the whole life is not enough to explore Turkiye. Yes, Turkiye is that amazing...

    but I do my best, and I'm on a good way ;)

  3. A week is enough for each as long as you just see :)

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