
How many days are left to live in the world?

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How many days are left to live in the world?




  1. No one knows the answer to that question but you know who! I guess we should make the most of the time we have now and hope it lasts for a long time? Wouldn't you like to live to be as old as Methusala? OR WOULD WE????

  2. well if you believe in prophesies then u probably think u know but  thats all c**p. i predict that the end of the world will come when the next asteroid hits us. theres this 1 hypothesis were its believed that a brown dwarf star named nemesis orbits about 1 light year from the sun.  its believed that every 65 million years[more or less] it comes close to the sun and it launches a lot of asteroids into the inner solar system. so we are kind of due for a hit, but its just a hypothesis the brown dwarf star has not been found....yet. but anyways that was kind of pointless so lets just say that if there is an asteroid coming to hit and if we detect it in time we have the capability to stop it. an asteroid its probably the most likely ways to kill us but if we can stop it the human race would probably live on until we kill each other in a nuclear war[which was like 15min away from doing so in the cold war. I dont believe an end would come anytime soon so just dont worry about it. if u actually red all this the u just wasted a good portion of ur life:)

  3. I will go with one more........ Everyday we wake up gives us one more..

    : >)

  4. wow. I can't actually wait for that day. lol. But it doesn't matter how many days. . .it just depends on your life. . . how it is now I guess. . .

  5. i think each will have his own number,

    i am pretty sure, i wouldn't live a hundred years more, well not in this life anyway,

    but i sure would like to live forever on earth when God restores Paradise earth (His purpose of creating it in the first place) {Psalm 37:11-- But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,

    And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. }

  6. the world will end when God is good and ready

  7. hey,my friend let me tell u,it's not important that how many days,what important is how you live.   "we have to die once,but to live a long way" it wisely!

  8. Viva México cabrones!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Don't know, but live them to the fullest!

  10. Well the Mayans said in 2012, and Nostradameus predicted a third world war would happen first.

    So you got time.

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