
How many days can a cat have a hairball problem?

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my cat seems to have a hairball,hes hacking a few times a day,but its been a few days..hes eating and drinking as normal, and looks fine..




  1. Hairballs are normal. Cats will get them all the time, if they are cleaning themselves regularly. Don't be too worried. But, if it does persist, take he/she to the vet. It can't hurt. (:

  2. You can give him vaseline or butter or hairball remedy to get it out for her.  

    Hope it helps him.

  3. Your cat might cough and hack until he gets rid of the hairball. Usually they would vomit it quickly, but for some cats it might take a while. It's not unusual to hear cat owners say that their cat's hairball has lasted several days. However, if this happens consult your vet as it can turn into a more serious problem.

    To prevent or alleviate hairballs, brush your cat on a regular basis. Adding fiber to your cat's diet also helps reduce hairballs. Petroleum based gels like Petromalt are a common hairball remedy for cats. If you want to use a more natural approach you can give your cat canned pumpkin or organic butter. Do consult your vet if the problem gets more serious.  

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