
How many days do I need to do the Irish Loop?

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I'm in St John's for four nights in June/July, so how many days do I need to do the Irish Loop?

In Bay Bulls who are the best whale/iceberg/bird watching tours?

Where can you put iceberg ice into your drinks?

Is the colony of Avalon good?

Is it worth getting up early to watch sunrise at Cape Spear?

Do you have to do the whole Spout path or can you just start near the Spout?




  1. I have driven the Irish Loop several times, and it takes most of a day to do it, even if you rarely get out of your vehicle.  The total distance is probably about 300 km, but you cannot drive at 100 km per hour - the speed limit on most of the Loop is 80 km or less.  The road twists and turns quite a bit, and to do it properly will take a whole day.  You will want to stop at several places along the way for pictures and to watch for whales and caribou.  I have seen caribou fairly close to the road most times I have driven across Trepassey barrens - most recently about a year ago.  The herd is very small now, but if  you are lucky you will see them.  Make sure you bring binoculars.  

    As the previous poster indicated, all the whale watching tours are good.  If you are in Bay Bulls check the Skademia out of Petty Harbour - an excellent tour.

    Iceberg ice in your drinks is a bit of a myth - it probably does happen from time to time, but it is very dangerous to approach an ice berg close enough to get a piece of it, so it would be only if a bar was able to get some "bergy bits" - ice berg ice might  not be an option, but if it is someone at a tourist information centre will know.

    The colony of Avalon is well worth a visit if you like that kind of history and archeology.  If you want to include it on your Irish Loop tour you might need to set aside two days to do the Irish Loop.  I found the colony fascinating when I visited, and it took the best part of a day to see and read everything I wanted to see and read - left S. John's at about 9:00 a.m. and got back there are about 4:00 and all we did was the colony and Ferryland.

    It is very much worth it to get up and see the sunrise at Cape Spear - spectacular!  Watch the weather forecast for a clear day - early morning can be foggy.

    The Spout Path is about 16 or 17 km.  At many places in St. John's you can buy the book that gives you the maps and other directions about all the hiking trails - I bought mine at Shoppers on Churchill Square.   Here is a link to a book that will give you all the information you need.  You may be able to buy it at Chapters in St. John's when you get there.  I have not ever done the Spout Path, but I know you can access some of the trails from various locations.  I don't know about the Spout Path.

    Enjoy your trip.

  2. I live in St. John's, so here's what I know. The Irish Loop, if you didn't get out of your car, would probably take two hours to drive. I've only been as far down as Ferryland.

    There are no bad tourboat operators, so take your pick of any that are available. If Mullowney's is still at it, they do good work - last time relatives flew in, I believe that's who they went with.

    Iceberg into your drinks, eh? I suppose, in theory, go down to the harbour, sometimes little bits of iceberg run ashore at Fort Amherst. I guess you could just grab it straight out of the water. But beyond that, ask at your hotel ... they'll know way more about the touristy stuff.

    Colony of Avalon: I went there on an elementary school field trip nigh on twenty years back. As I recall, it's a fascinating tour, and Ferryland is a quaint little town.

    Watching the sunrise in St. John's is truly gorgeous. Right at the edge of the continent, it's just sea-to-sky. Cape Spear is about twelve miles outside of town, so you'd have to be up pretty darned early to make that trek. I would recommend going to Signal Hill - home of the famous city landmark of Cabot Tower. It's just up from downtown - still within the urban city area but perched well above it. You're still staring straight across the vast Atlantic Ocean, and it's just as majestic. It's just that at Signal Hill, you can turn around 180 degrees and enjoy the panoramic view of the whole city as well. My personal preference is Cabot Tower, but if you're here for four days, it's worth making the trip. From the top floor of my house, I have a gorgeous view of downtown to the harbour and the Narrows, and can watch the sunrise over the city. The views from downtown are spectacular as well. Depending on which hotel you're at and on what floor you're staying, you too may wake up each morning to such a lovely sight! Or perhaps just to the parking lot and gas station across the street.

    As for the Spout, ask at the tourist office or the hotel. I've only ever heard of it, I've never gone to see it.

    If I may ask, from where are you visiting and what brings you to our town? If you have any other questions about our city, send me an e-mail and I'll be happy to help in any way I can.

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