
How many days does it take to make moonshine.?

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How many days does it take to make moonshine.?




  1. DAYS!?! it can be done in hours!

  2. Sorry, i dunno what a moonshine is.

  3. At least two weeks to ferment the mash.  Then depending on how big your still is hours to days to distill.

  4. Well, first you have to take a bunch of corn, barley, or other fermentable grains and malt them.  once they are all dry, you grind it up and boil it to bring out the sugars.  Strain out the solids and add some yeast then let it ferment for a week or so.

    While its fermenting you need to start building a still.  The kind of still you build depends on how much you will be making, the materials you have available, and the level of discretion needed for the location that you are doing the distilling(this is illegal, so if you have nosy neighbors you might need to build one that doesn't look like a still)

    When its done fermenting, pour the mash into the still, turn the heat on and let it go.  As the other person said, it will only take you a couple hours.  Most of the work involved and time spent will be building the still.  You can find diagrams and instructions on line, or there are some good books available.

    so as far as how many days, I would say you could have moonshine in about 2 weeks if you start now.  Hope this helps.

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