
How many days in Italy first time?

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We're going to Italy for the first time this year and I'd like to know how many days would be sufficient to see Rome, Naples, Venice, Florence, Bologna, and the Amalfi Coast all by train. Thanks!




  1. at least three weeks if you want to visit all of them.

  2. Between any city there are this train time.

    Amalfi-Naples 1 hours

    Naples-Rome 1 or 2 hours

    Rome-Florence 2 or 3 hours

    Florence-Bologna 1 or 1.5 hours

    Bologna-Venice 2 or 3 hours

    In this sequence from south to north.

    To a quickly visit you need:

    Amalfi and Amalfi coast never visit. I suppose 1 or 2 day

    2 days for Naples

    4 days for Rome

    3 days for Florence

    1 day for Bologna

    2 days for Venice

    but you must run.

    I live at 20 km to Bologna.

    If you want much information my mail is free.

    Good holyday.

  3. rome/florence 2 days  they rest 1

  4. Wow - that's a lot of places to fit in one trip!  And they're spread right through Italy too - you're going to spend a lot of time on trains and in stations!

    If you try to go from site to site too quickly you'll get fed up in no time.  My advice is to give yourself plenty of padding between train journeys, and perhaps to give yourself one or two "bases" from which the other spots can be seen in daytrips - otherwise you'll be constantly packing your suitcase and squeezing onto trains!  For the list of places you want to see, I'd suggest staying in lovely Bologna (for Venice and Florence), and Rome (if you've still got the energy after the above, then head on to Naples and stay in the stunning Amalfi coast area).

    As for how many days, you need to think about what you want to see in each city.  Try not to plan more than one activity/site per day, and make sure you give yourself a good range of things - e.g. art gallery after art gallery can get deadly boring, but a day seeing the Tuscan countryside on horseback, or visiting a vineyard might help to break it up a bit!

    Good luck!

  5. I just came back after 2 weeks. I thought one day in Rome was enough for me (tourist trap) and Florence was way to fast paced for me, but outside the city is much more relaxed and enjoyable. Viterbo is real nice. If you go there be sure to go to the natural spa the Romans swamin. Viterbo is not far from Rome.

  6. I agree with the first answer.

    We went last summer for 5 days to Trieste, Venice, and Milan and it was planned by my father-in-law. IT WAS TOO SHORT. Had I done the planning, we would have gone for 3 days in each city.

    Yes, we did it by train, the train rides are pretty quick, but it still wasn't enough time. I would give yourself AT LEAST two full weeks, if not three.

    What was really sad is that we're all Italian, so to not have experienced everything we could have due to lack of time was disheartening.

    You're going to love it!


  7. If you want to see enough of need to go for at least 3 full weeks...especially Rome and Florence have so many sights .. you can't possibly cover all that in less time and Venice.. if you take a boat trip out to the islands Murano, Burano and Torcello where you can watch people blowing glass.. and making ornaments out of them and they are picturesque little villages near the water you want to spend at least 3 days in Venice.. also go to the Lido there..and have a trip on a vaporetto.. a boat for people to cross.. like a bus in other places which is not surrounded by water and you want to go to St Giogio.. that is an island just on the opposite of Venice... it only costs very little.. if you go by gondola that is more special but more expensive... Italy is very nice and the Amalfi coast I have not been but you definitely want to spend some time there too..

    have fun... x*x

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