
How many days in a normal school year?

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  1. 180-184 days.

  2. England School Year - 195 days

  3. That depends upon your school year.  My kids go to year round school they get a month off every third month.

  4. 180 days here.

  5. 180 days

  6. My kids are schedule for 177.

  7. what is the cost-pode of new york?

  8. i don't know about england, but in missouri, it's at least 174 days.  we have about 18 weeks per semester.

  9. They vary depending on the school and the part of the country. It is usually anywhere from 170 - 190 days.

  10. 5 Days per week, 40 weeks in a school year.

    Therefore, 200 days in a school year (Including public holidays and Pupil Free Days)

  11. about 180 days.

  12. 180

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