
How many days is a child in grade school typically aloud to miss?

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My first grader has been sick with a virus, I'm just curious!




  1. its usually around 15 days.

  2. at my school i think you can only miss seven but if you do miss seven i believe that five of them must be excused...

  3. i say it varys but around here 5 excused misses

  4. You need to call the school and speak with the principal.  S/he will be able to tell you the specific guidelines set forth by the administration/school board.  Also, you should be doing what homework you can so your child is able to keep up with his/her peers.

  5. In my state it is 10 unexcused.  If you have doctors excuses it is up to 20.

  6. i think about 10 but im not shure because i am probalbly from another state then u r

  7. Oh, it's just 1st grade, don't worry about it.  My kid missed 22 days in the 3rd grade and they never said anything to me.  He had a few viruses, too.  I always called the office and asked them to tell the teacher he wasn't coming.  If you call you're allowed 20 days, but if he's sick they don't want him there.  The truant officer is more concerned with high school kids.

    My kid always turned in his homework and this year I'm homeschooling.  They knew I was considering homeschooling and didn't want us to leave, they loose money.  I'm not sure if they get money for every kid attending for the year or for daily attendance.  Just make sure all the homework is turned in, pick it up from the office.


    How many unexcused absences are allowed?

    You will receive a letter with the first unexcused absence.  After 5 unexcused absences, you will be required to attend an information meeting with the truancy officer with Madison County Schools.  She may then choose to file a petition with the court after 7 unexcused absences.

    How many personal illnesses are allowed?

    A student is allowed 10 illnesses with a note from a parent.  After the 10th absence for illness, all absences must have a doctor's excuse.

    Drink alot of fluids and rest take Vic's

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