
How many days is it approximately sunny in a year in Vancouver?

by Guest10734  |  earlier

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How many days is it approximately sunny in a year in Vancouver?




  1. Three

  2. from May-October lots of sunny days.. the majority.

    Between October and April... I think we had a sunny day in 1989 once.

    Basically, summer weather is fine and we even have mini- "droughts" .  This year we've had no rain between mid-June and last week of July.   About mid-October the weather changes to overcast most days and yea lost of rain.  "Rain" here though in winter is a very light misty and usually doesnt stop one from outdoor activities.  The plus side is we don't get snow either except a day or two here and there. It stays on the mountains where it belongs.

  3. I second "Freeside"

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