
How many days (months?) are the IFR Jeppesen enroute charts valid?

by  |  earlier

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I'm asking because I am was checking at an online aviation shop for an IFR enroute chart for France, and there is written that the chart is from about october 2007. So is this still valid if I would buy it now?




  1. I'm sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but I was always under the impression that you could only buy Jeppesen charts as either a subscription (usually 1 year) or as a tripkit, which is meant for a one time use and will be sold with dates valid.

    As far as enroute charts go, I am unaware of a way to buy just a single chart that's legal for navigation.  Jeppesen sells areas of charts including "front matter", which is all of the supplemental information.  The "front matter" is revised every 14 days.  One of the pages in the 14 day revision is a list of all of the enroute charts in the subscription and the issue date of the latest chart.

    Is that October 2007 chart current?  I'll I can give is a qualified maybe.  The maybe means that it may indeed be the latest chart issued for that area, but you can't tell without the list of current charts included with the revision service.  The "qualified" means that even if it is the latest chart, it really isn't current without the "chart NOTAM" pages, also included in the front matter, which lists a textual description of changes to the chart between when that chart was printed and when those changes are incorporated into a new chart.

    If you are talking about buying charts for navigational purposes, contact Jeppesen directly and get a trip kit.  Otherwise, I don't see how any online outfit can resell a single Jeppesen chart without the supplemental information and make it legal for navigation.

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