
How many days past ovulation?

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How many days past ovulation does inplantation occur? I'm 5 dpo now and had to come home early from work due to some major cramping with lower back pain that seemed to go on for a good 3-4 hours, but no spotting or bleeding and its to early for my period. Could that have been implantation?




  1. When does implantation occur? Can I see signs of implantation on my chart?

    If conception occurred, implantation (when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall) typically happens seven to ten days after ovulation, but it can happen a few days earlier or later as well.

    There are some signs of implantation or successful conception that may be seen on your chart but all of them can occur with or without pregnancy. You can also be pregnant and see none of these signs on your chart. There is thus really no way to know if they are related to implantation while they are happening, though they occur with greater frequency on pregnancy charts. Some possible signs of implantation or successful conception are:

    light spotting that happens for just a brief period of time around seven to ten days past ovulation.

    a second thermal shift that occurs around seven to ten days past ovulation.

    a dip in temperature that lasts just a single day, around seven to ten days past ovulation.

    I hope this has helped you and good luck.

  2. Implantation occurs once the fertilized egg travels through the ovarian tubes and into your uterus.  I've heard it usually takes 5-8 days past ovulation for implantation to occur but I don't see why you can't have implantation at 3 days past ovulation because maybe you ovulated earlier and you actually are at 5-8 days past ovulation.

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