
How many days should the new owners of a preschool have a meeting with the staff regarding policies?

by  |  earlier

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Including payroll and sick/vacation days etc.




  1. If you're going in to a business that is already existing, have a staff meeting to review changes to policies. No more than an hour.

    On-going, you need a staff meeting monthly.

    If you're opening a new business, you may need to spend one day on policies and procedures. But include getting to know you activities for bonding and fun.

  2. Do you prior to first opening?

    -I'd say have the meeting a month before opening-discuss the polcies and contracts-then the month can be spent refining it, getting rough draft made-reviewed again 2 weeks before starting and then signed and made official so staff have copy BEFORE the opening date.

    Policy reviews are usually once a year same as contract reviews. However we have weekly curriculum review and planning meetings and half termly staff meetings to discuss the last half term and the half term coming up.

  3. at least once a month -there are always new rules to go over and problems to discuss.

  4. One day is more than they should have a staff handbook for EACH staff outlining all policies and expectations. PLUS be available on lunch or after work...encourage staff to approach owner/supervisor on a 1-1 basis should they have any further questions, concerns, new ideas for improving the program etc...

  5. i think once a month.

  6. All your staff should be involved in a monthly meeting and all lead teachers in a weekly meeting.

  7. If this is a new establishment, I might suggest weekly meetings for the first several weeks.  They might last for 20 minutes, up to an hour.  The owners should provide some food-breakfast or snack as well becasue most likely the meetings will be cutting into the employee's meal time and/or breaks.  Once all the kinks are worked through, monthly meetings are best.

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