
How many dead or deleted Russians and Germans do you have in your contacts box.?

by  |  earlier

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Mine looks like the battle of Stalingrad.




  1. I sing the song for them...

  2. Today I woke up to see another Russian casualty.

  3. Baby, YOU KNOW that is classified information! Have a GREAT weekend!!!

    Never forget:  Loose lips sink ships!!!!!!!!!!

  4. What kinda question is that?? Thanks for explaining, 'cause I'm German!

  5. Hmmm... My boyfriend is Russian, I am German... looks like you should catch up with the times...

  6. huh?

  7. Lotsa Russkies, a few dead Krauts.  They're like weeds.  You kill one and two spring up to take their place.

  8. None yet and oi I have russian blood!


  9. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. your an idiot.......but well put..

  11. Bring out your dreads, bring out  your dead.

  12. Ok, who's the Russian?

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