
How many degree should the water be boiled to wash the body of a new born baby?

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How many degree should the water be boiled to wash the body of a new born baby?




  1. didn't they teach you how to bathe a baby at the hospital?  My hospital did when I had my girl in 2002. The bath water doesn't have to be sterile.

  2. You don't boil water to wash a newborn.  The bath should be a bit warmer than room temperature

  3. The water should only be luke warm or room temperature to give a newborn a bath NEVER hotter than that you could burn the child.

  4. BOILED?  omg you don't boil water to wash a baby in.  Run the water from the tap - put the cold in first and then add the hot water.  If you have a water thermometer get the water to 36-38 degrees celcius, which is about 100 F I believe.  

  5. are you crazy u dont boil water for a baby to take a bath in ur nuts do u boil water when u take a bath ??  u use luke warm water not to cold nor to hot  

  6. Things You’ll Need:

    flat surface

    two towels

    basin of warm water

    two washcloths

    baby soap

    baby shampoo (optional)

    Step1Lay your baby on a soft, flat surface, on top of a clean towel. Wrap the baby, exposing only one area at a time for washing. Have a basin of warm water, baby soap and shampoo, two washcloths, and second towel nearby.

    Step2Clean baby's face with a washcloth dipped in warm water, gently wiping around baby's eyes with your finger wrapped in the washcloth.

    Step3Pour a small amount of baby soap onto the wet washcloth. Gently wash your baby, one area at a time, being careful not to get the umbilical cord stump wet. If you do get the cord stump wet, gently pat it dry. Wash the genital area last, being careful to wash from front to back.

    Step4Dip the clean washcloth in the water, then rinse each area until all lather is gone, then pat dry. Again, rinse genital area last, from front to back.

    Step5Wrap baby warmly, then clean her head with a little baby soap or shampoo. Rinse with the washcloth, being careful to avoid her eyes.

    Step6When he's clean, wrap baby in a soft dry towel, such as a baby towel with a hood. Dry him well, being careful not to rub too vigorously.

  7. you do not need to boil the water first.  regular warm water out of the tap is just fine

  8. unless you plan on eating babies you dont put them into boiling water!! You must be kidding,right? Babies are washed in luke warm water

  9. The water should be warm enough to even be boiling, luke warm water only, their skin is very sensitive.  

  10. skin temperature is 92 degrees, that's why you test with an elbow--to be sure the water isn't hotter than skin temperature

    boiling first is not necessary for bathing

  11. Just use tapwater. It should feel lukewarm on the inside of your wrist.

  12. why are you boiling water to wash a newborn? i thimk you better leave bathtime to mommy. it should be right at lukewarm though, no more, no less.

  13. You don't need to boil any water to wash a newborn. Just run the water at body temperature. You don't even need a thermometer to check the temperature. Dip your elbow in the water, it should feel neither cold nor hot if it's at the right temperature

  14. Water boils at 212 degrees Farenheit. You do not wash a newborn (or anyone else for that matter) with boiling water.  You should not give a newborn a bath.  Wipe the baby down with a soft, warm washcloth or baby wipe.  Check with your pediatrician if you're unsure of when to start bathing the baby.  Also, do yourself a favor, get yourself a water thermometer for the baby's bath.  

  15. You don't need to boil the water you're going to bathe the baby in. Just use regular tap water. Just make sure it's warm enough for the baby (which will seem a little cooler than the temperature you would use for yourself.)

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