
How many democrats are going to be watching the RNC tonight to see Sarah Palin speak?

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No doubt to be able to put her down here tomorrow or be able to say something bad about her that is something other than her daughter is pregnant. I am just wondering if the democrats actually get information from the source or do they rely on some other media outlet to get their smear on.

BTW, if there is a good smear outlet that you liberals use for solid information, please share. Thanks!




  1. even if she gives an outstanding speech we will hear: "omg did you see the shoes she was wearing?" or " omg where were her kids? who was watching them" -  intelligent political matters like those.

  2. I will to watch her stumble, lol.

    Plus I could use a nap. The RNC will put me to sleep.

  3. I am, but I am not watching so I can put her down. I am watching because she is HOT and I am voting for MCCain instead of nobama

  4. I'm an independent and I'm going to watch.  I'm interested to learn more about her.  

  5. This female Democrat is going to watch with a very open mind.  I want to see what Sarah has to say about the issues. (Which is saying something - in lieu of the biased question you just asked.)

    C'mon - get off it.

  6. sorry i'll be watching ghost hunters

  7. It's probably gonna be a typical political speech. Which is just a whole bunch of BS about what we should and should not be doing. With a whole lot of generalities and no specifics about how things are gonna get done. Despite all that I still want to hear what she has to say, hopefully it will have some substace to it.

  8. Hopefully everyone will watch. That is the only way people will get a straight picture of what she is about. All this garbage being thrown around about her and her family is awful and utterly evil. Let her speak. We are all Americans, not just republicans or democrats. We all want the same thing in the end. We just have different ideas of how to achieve it. Don't let the biased media and political operatives rip this country apart. Listen to the speech and make up your own mind. Don't listen to the talking heads after with all their reading between the lines. Don't let them form your opinion. Use your own brain on this one.

  9. OH's about time she spoke up for herself instead of letting EVERYONE ELSE DO IT FOR HER.

    I'll have to put on blindfolds, otherwise I'll have to run to the toilet bowl and puke.

    As they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Don't forget, MEDUSA was a beauty too.

  10. I think more democrats will be watching her tonight than the number that watched Obama...

    The democrats have done such a good job of lowering everyone's expectations of Palin.  Tonight she's going to wow everyone with how HONEST and PREPARED she is for the White House.

    I hope Obama and Biden are watching - they can learn a thing or two.  All they're doing is playing a nasty game and it should show you the lack of unity that this country is going to have with them in office.

  11. You mean a smear site like Fox News? Liberals don't have one of those...yet.

  12. I'll wait to watch it on "The Soup".

    I read Time Magazine for my background on Palin. Is that a smear machine?

  13. I watched last night and it was boooooringggg...

  14. It depends on what time she speaks. I'm interested in what she has to say. I'm not interested in trashing her personally. This is about her beliefs which seem to be polar opposite to mine. It's ok. We don't have to agree. I don't have to support her just because she's a woman. I'll probably be rolling my eyes if she talks about taking on the good old boy network. Oh please. Spare me.

    edit: My early opinion is that she appeases the good old boy network because she seems to think or act how they think she should act. I could be wrong but that's something I'm mulling over. I don't see her as a strong woman. Anyone can talk tough and say the right things. I don't discredit her for the problems in her family. We all have problems. Where is her husband in all of this?

  15. All of them.  They don't want to but they just cannot look away.

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