
How many democrats there are going to...?

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cross the politcal line and vote for McCain Palin and maybe a quick note as to why.




  1. If being locked up for 5 1/2 years qualifies McCain to be PresidentThen I need to run for the job in 2012. I'm a lot more qualified than McCain is. Is that why you're voting for McCain? I'm not a Democrat and I'm undecided. I like Palin but only because I'd like to F her. I'm having a hard time finding a reason to vote for any of these candidates.

  2. My mother for one.. Life long Dem that as she puts it "feels like Obama is trying to get her in bed not be her President"

    She is a big womans libber atheist and has never voted republican before.


  3. huh?

  4. Geraldine Ferraro already has.  Look for the floodgates to open...

  5. Not many. Palin gave a speech tonight. That's all. Tomorrow she will be playing in the big league. The game is now officially on. Won't take long for the pit bull to turn into a stuffed dog.

    As for McCain, nothing has changed. He still has no vision, no plan and no agenda.

  6. Probably none.  Any chance McCain might have had of getting some democrats to cross over he blew by nominating this right wing wacko as his VP.

  7. I have crossed the line before tonight and they now have a new member in this party.  

    Because when the Democrats bashed Gov Palin for being a woman in a career field raising a family of five.........showed me that the Democrat party is not for the women to have a career.

    We have come along way in the last 88 years as women; and this Democrat liberal bunch has proven they have no respect for women; just like the Islamic radicals that kill their women if they even look the wrong way.

  8. Me

    Obama has accomplished verrrrry little except giving a good speech here and there.  I will never judge a politician by his words, only by his actions.

    McCain has accomplished much, Obama has not

  9. There may be a few inside the privacy of the voting both. The same may be said of republicans.  

  10. not me..especially considering a mayor with micro experience on running things and has a journalist degree is chosen. I'm not fooled by the republicans ploy to nominate this no nothing woman

  11. Not hardly. In fact I have voted Republican in some of the past elections and  McCain and especially Palin make it where I don't even claim Independent but think I am going to be a lifelong Democrat.

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