
How many different 6-digits numbers...?

by  |  earlier

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... are product of two 3-digits numbers?




  1. get a tutor.=]

  2. i can't believe you're using yahoo to answer your math questions.

    then again, i can't believe i didn't think of it myself when i was in high school. haha.

  3. one million

  4. you need to find

    smallest 3 digit number that has a 6 digit number when multiplied by itself is 317 and 317x317= 100489

    now you need to find a largest 3 digit number that when squared still gives you a 6 digit number

    that is 999, and squared is 998001

    so all the combination between 317 and 999 when multiplied result in a 6 digit number between 100489 and 998001

    so there are 998001 - 100489= 897512 6digit numbers which are product of two 3 digit number

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