
How many different answers are there on an 8 Ball toy?

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It has to be either 8 or 20....

Extra points if you can tell me all the possible answers....




  1. The thing inside that has the words on it is an icosahedron, which means that it has 20 sides.

    According to Wikipedia, these are the standard answers:

        * Signs point to yes.

        * Yes.

        * Reply hazy, try again.

        * Without a doubt.

        * My sources say no.

        * As I see it, yes.

        * You may rely on it.

        * Concentrate and ask again.

        * Outlook not so good.

        * It is decidedly so.

        * Better not tell you now.

        * Very doubtful.

        * Yes - definitely.

        * It is certain.

        * Cannot predict now.

        * Most likely.

        * Ask again later.

        * My reply is no.

        * Outlook good.

        * Don't count on it.

    There have been other releases of the 8-Ball with different answers, but those are the classic ones.

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