
How many different classes are there of Submarines? ?

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How many different classes are there of Submarines? ?




  1. As far as TYPES of military submarines, SS is any submersible ship, SSN is a nuclear powered submersible ship (and denotes an attack submarine), SSBN is a ballistic missile nuclear submarine. SSGN used to denote a guided missile submarine, but I believe that Harpoon and Tomahawk missiles have become so ubiquitous that the designator isn't used anymore (yes, that probably dates me).

    Every navy will probably have several classes of each of these that they have, so yes, there are many, many different classes of submarines.  

  2. way too many for me to count but you can find out how many there are by visiting the link below...

  3. Which navy are you asking about?

    The US Navy has 61 classes in all, see here:

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