
How many different designs of crop circles have been discovered in the USA?

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  1. Hold on, I need to count the stencils I have...

  2. There are many similarities between crop circles, the biggest one being the circular patterns making up the design. However the number of designs only seem to be limited by the imaginations of the people making them.

    EDIT: Yes, I've been to that link before. However it is so easy to create crop circles with simple tools, careful planning and a few helping hands that I can't see any reason to attribute them to aliens. The burden of evidence lies on those who claim crop circles to be evidence of aliens since it has been clearly demonstrated and documented already how easy it is for us humans to make them, quickly and clandestinely.

  3. I could not find information on how many patterns have been categorized in total. I suspect this number grows constantly.

    However, the link below will provide information about yearly averages, largest, best geometry, etc.

    Another interesting question might be do any formations repeat and how often as compared to new formations?


  4. What nobody has ever explained to my satisfaction is why the supposed aliens choose to communicate with us by flattening wheatfields.

    Aren't they aware of modern telecommunications?

    If they are advanced enough to fly ships across the universe, couldn't they come up with something less...esoteric?

    Or maybe its a bunch of college kids with too much time on their hands.

    There is a remarkable similarity between the crop circle patterns and the things I used to make when I was a kid with a toy called Spirograph....which used different sized plastic gears on paper.

  5. Did you hear about the New Mexico rancher that just found dirt circles in his horse arena?

    go see at

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