
How many different outfits can a man make from 3 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, and 8 pairs of shoes?

by  |  earlier

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I thought that you multiplied 3 x 2 x 8= 48 outfits, but I could be wrong. Please let me know if that is the answer and show me the work too.




  1. is 48 correct , good lock

  2. Normally I would say 48. However....

    you can combine different shoes, go shoeless, go topless (in some places), even go pant less in some places, you might be able to wear a shirt as drape around the waist, or even another pair of pants.  So, including all those additional variables, I don't know.  If you are like me, I would only have 6 combinations...and I won't explain.

  3. you are right.

    lets take the shirts(a, b, c) and pants(x, y) first. with one shirt(a), the combination possible is two(ax, ay). with three shirts it is 3 x 2(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) that is six. thus there is a total of six combinations using the shirts and pants alone.

    with each pair of shoes, there are six combinations of shirt and pant. so with eight pairs of shoes, the total would be 8 x 6 , that is 48.

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