
How many different philosophies in Islam can you name and describe?

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What are the basic differences in the way they perceive meaning from the Quran?

Thank you for your respectful, brotherly responses.




  1. I would recommend this page:

    Though I am not sure whether it is 100% accurate or not.

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  3. peace MumOf4,

    a little perspective first.

    unlike chrisitanity sects in islam are not divided about the fundamentals of religion. muslims of all persuasions agree about:

    1) there is none worthy of worship except god, who has no partners. god is absolute, eternal and absolutely free of all needs. he begets not, nor was he begotten. and there is nothing in the creation like him.

    2) prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last and final messenger of god. he received revelation from god over the course of his 23 year mission which is preserved as the qur'an.

    those are the two testimonies the belief in which makes you a muslim. muslims believe that the qur'an is guidance from god meant for all of mankind till the end of times. it deals with questions about the meaning of life, our relationship to god, our relationship to one another, stories and lessons from past nations and prophets, principles of governance, finance, worship, justice, charity, love, marriage, etc. in fact it touches on every endeavor of human life.

    differences amongst muslims arise when we are faced with the question of how to interpret and apply these principles. for the vast majority of muslims the interpretation of the quran that is to be followed is the one which is reflected by the traditions of the prophet (peace be upon him). historically a great amount of difference has been tolerated with in the muslim community as long as there is a sound methodology in arriving at the conclusions.

    sunnis, who contitute ~90% of all muslims, follow the teachings of the prophet as recorded and expanded upon by the companions of prophet.

    shia, who constitute the remaining ~10%,  believe that the best approach is to follow the example of the prophet as it were passed down only through some members of this household (in particular through the family of his son-in-law ali and daughter fatima).

    there is a very small minority of muslims who are label themselves as 'quran-only'. they believe that we do not need any further elaboration upon the principles laid down in the quran (they do not believe that islam requires them to follow the quran as recorded in traditions of the prophet).

    there are several subdivisions of these broad categories. there are movements, e.g. sufism, that span more than one category. many muslims eshew all labels other than muslim since they consider these to be divisive.

    hope this helps.

  4. Religion is FAKE.  

    FYI, religion is human created, if you want to believe in God, by all means, believe in God. Do not bother with religion though, specially Muslim religion.

  5. I don't have much time to go into detail really but heres a good link:

  6. 'Ahamedis (Qadiyanis)' and 'Ahlul Quran'  perceive meaning from the Quran perceive meaning from the Quran in a different way that of Sunnis and Shias.  All other groups agree basically agree in the verses of Holy Quran.

  7. If you wikipedia Ash'ari, Mu'tazilli and Jaafari you will find out the philosphies behind them. Ash'aris tended to be almost completely literal, Mu'tazillis almost completely the opposite and Jaafaris in between.

  8. Dear MumOf4 ,

    Before answering your question, let me explain what philosophy is.

    Phil:  Life or Love

    Osophy : Wisdom

    Philosophy: Wisdom of Life

    Actually it is not imagined or thought by man. Philosophy is wisdom of life given by god to the human kind to lead a good life. These philosophies are sent through many humans and they are called philosophers.

    Accepted philosophies are called prophesy  

    Accepted philosopher is called prophet

    Islam is one such philosophy. It is wisdom of god sent by god through a messenger. He is a philosopher who brought this philosophy to the world. His philosophy is accepted and is a religion. Since it is accepted that he was the messenger who brought the message he is also called as Prophet.

    Philosophy & Religion are one

    Prophet & Philosopher are one

    Accepted ones are Religion & Prophet & Prophecy

    Unaccepted ones are Philosophy & Philosopher

    Answer to your question:


    Islam has one philosophy / prophesies and is called Quran (message from god) and is the wisdom of life.

    With warm regards


  9. there are lots of philosophers in islam..

    but the famous for both islam and non muslim world is al-imam al-ghazali

    for steiberd,,,please dont answer if you dont have the intention to give the relevant answer..

    religion is the way for you as the guidance..

    and the only religion that has been accepted by ALLAH almighty is only Islam...

    ALLAHUAKBAR... try to learn ISLAM more,then you'll get the answer..

  10. hmmm...

    ur question is confusing me..

    we muslims often don't consider following the Qur'aan and Sunnah, a philosophy... eventhough there were muslim philosophers, but they often had less knowledge of the Qur'aan and Sunnah.. they mainly philosophised a thought.

    but i get the feeling you are not talking about such philosophies, rather sects?

    if that's true, please feel free to  check out this website and check out the links on the right column... they are all sects..

    i do have more better links i think... but will try to post them tomorrow if i can.  

    thank you for asking.

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