
How many different possible moves can the king make to get to the other side of a chess board?

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if i wanted to get the white king to where the black king sits at the beginning of the game how many different routes can i take?




  1. for the king to move at least one pawn would have to move so 1 pawn on each side would have to move the king trying to get to the other side would have to move8 times and the other king would have to move 2 times at the minimum

  2. Infinite... But the least number of moves is 7-8. A king can move only one step at a time and thats all matters. He wont be able to resurrect anyone on reaching the other side of the board (like pawns do)...

  3. There are infinity ways for him to get there, because he can go in circles and loops and retrace his steps, etc.  So I don't exactly understand your question.

    If the other army cooperated, a king could make it to the other side in 26 moves from the opening of the game.  Because some pawns would have to move and be killed because the king can't move into check.

  4. Why would you want to do that?  You should play 1.e4! and castle sooner or later so your king is safe.

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