
How many different sign languages do you know?

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I'll start.

I'm fluent in ISL (Irish Sign Language) and GSL (Gambian Sign Language)

With a working knowledge of BSL (British Sign language) and AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language, which is similar to BSL)

I can get by with ASL (American Sign Language)

I am also proficient in International Sign, but this is not a language, but a language system.




  1. I know a tiny few words in German Sign language and in Russian Sign language.  I know ASL fluently.  Where did you learn international sign language?  I saw it on youtube the other day and it was amazing how understandable it was!

  2. Hi

    thats alot of sign you know do you ever get confused or are alot similar?

    I do makaton sign as I work with Autistic children and I know some BSL as my cousin is deaf and she learnt BSL as a child.


  3. Wow, I always thought that all people spoke the same sign language.

  4. I only know a few signs from the one semester I took of American Sign Language (regarding names, food, where people live, what I study, etc)

    Cool that you know all of those! Pretty amazing.  

  5. i have wish to suggest you.

    "may i?"

    "if u allow then"

    "suggestion is:- use as much as u r lips as possible while talking with other person,instead of sine language".

  6. I don't know any.

  7. And i thought there was just one..

  8. My native is Inuktitut Tikurauhiq/Uukturausiq (Inuit Sign Language)

    related Kalaallisut Ussersuutit (Greenlandic Inuit Sign Language)

    And my second is ASL

    knows LSQ, BSL, NZSL, JSL (Japanese)

  9. None!

  10. oh wow what a perfect opportunity to brag your @ss off, well done.

    Hey why'd i get a thumbs down, its true!! shes wanting some praise for her amazing efforts.

  11. I'm ashamed to say that I only know a some BSL and I learnt MAKATON many years ago, but don't use that much.

    edit. I lip read a lot.

  12. Unfortunately all I can do is sign numbers in Chinese hand gestures... when I get into a problem I usually just use my middle finger with an angry expression on my face. Seems to get me by quite well. Other than that, well I speak languages orally.. most people are good enough to listen.  

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