
How many different toys do we have to buy before the kids stop fighting over the same one?

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We are up to past 50 toys now, and my younger siblings still manage to fight over the same one day by day.

Two days ago we got a bunch of balloons for all the kids, they managed to fight over 1 balloon constantly until we just decided to pop them all and never buy them again.




  1. it is about teaching them to share rather than keep buying them things

  2. It's not really about the toys. It's about who's in charge, and who gets what they want. It's a version of survival of the fittest right in your home. Parents need to train that out of the kids, or they end up being grasping, ill-mannered teens, adults, workers, spouses, and parents.

  3. My roommate and I each have a dog. If one has a bone, the other one is fighting for it. When the other one gets it, he or she drops it. It ain't about the toy, it's about jacking with the other dog. Same thing with your kid. Stop buying toys. Sounds to me like you have enough. Within reason, let them settle this themselves. If it gets out of hand, take ALL the toys away and tell them if they can't share then no one gets anything. You have GOT to take control. If they can't share then everyone loses. No toys for anyone. YOU ARE THE PARENT!!! Be one. Good luck.

  4. They aren't really fighting over toys.  They are fighting over control, and they are fighting for your attention...which one of us is mom and dad going to side with?  Make perfectly clear at play time what will happen if there is any fighting...that the toy will be taken away and no one will get to play with it for the rest of the day, and they will be separated.  Then, teach them some methods of settling disputes peacefully and learning to compromise.  With my kids, we got a one of those wind up kitchen of them would get the toy for a certain amount of time, then the other one would.  Flipping a coin and rolling dice work nicely too.  Make sure at the first sign of trouble that you end things though, and end them in a way that is bad for the both of them.  You'll be the bad guy instead of the sibling, and eventually  they will learn to work together to solve problems in an acceptable way.

  5. This will never end! It's an on-going battle...

  6. Kids are easily caught by greed. Even if they have plenty, if someone else is having fun with something, they get jealous. Buying more toys won't help, they'll always want to have what their siblings have. You just have to make them share what they have. They should be greatful to be so lucky to get so much!

  7. dont let them have any toys till they behave right! my daughter and her cousins are always fighting over the same i just take all of the toys away and lock them in my daughters room. i sit them down till they calm down and explain to them that they cant be fighting like that or they cant play with any toys....theyre 3 and 2 and they dont fight afterwards...well until the next time...but theyre getting way better. good luck!

  8. I know with my boys I buy two of everything so they each have one of the toy which helps with the fighting however there will always be testing to see how much one can handle.  If they do start to fight over a toy I put that toy away for the rest of the day and let them know it is because they couldn't get along with it and share as they should.

  9. Stop buying toys, and if they fight over one, you take it and put it away for the rest of the day. When you give it back, you tell them to share it, or you'll put it away again.

    A lot of children want something, because the other has it - but they need to learn how to share.

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