
How many different types of bees are there? ( honey, yellow jacket, wasps)

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what are those nasty looking black bees, or wasps? do they sting? and hw do i get rid of a bees nest under my cement porch? should i plug up the hole? bee killer not working. help




  1. There are 20,000 species. All bees sting so be careful. The rule is if you don't  bother them they won't bother you.

    Removing a bees nest can be dangerous depending on the size. It can sometimes be like a scene out of a si-fi movie. First you have to identify the species of bee. The type of nest will help you do this. If it is a large nest, call pest control. Wasps can be practically nasty but they have those paper nests.

    My Dad use to have to put on his old HAZMAT suit and smoke the bees out so he could safly remove the nest. If the hive feels threatened they'll all come after you.

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