
How many different ways is there to manufacture gasoline and can synthetic oil be used?

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alternative fuel, science, business




  1. well...gasoline is only found naturally and has fixed reserves in the other words...theres only a limited amount of it available on earth. BUt the basic structure of gasoline is that it is a hydrocarbon...a HUGE hydrocarbon and mixed with different hydrocarbons...soo it will be possible to create it but very inefficient as it will take alot of time and is will still be very expensive. There aren't many types of synthetic oils avialable and to produce them at such a huge basis as to run cars and stuff is virtually impossible. BUt there are alternatives. Like Alcohol can also be used in fact...some people in third world nations drive motor bikes on alcohol rather than gas becuz thts too expensive. but thts bad for the engine and can ruin it completely. The BEST possible alternative  would be natural gas. it is basically Methane C4H6 and is found in various places and CAN be made artificially as well cheaply. IN third world nations...Natural gas is used just as much...if not more than gasoline in cars and vehicles and it burns cleaner too. the only thing that you have to give up is power and acceleration of the car. but other than that...its the best. infact US just passed a law where it is required for farmers to sell a percent of their corn crop to be made into natural gas artificially. that is why we are seeing an increase in prices of corn and chicken because chiken feed on corn and corn is more valuable now...anyhoo...back to the is virtually impossible to manufacture gasoloine as it is found in its natural state and natural gas is a very healthy alternative source BUT synthetic oils are very hard to find in the first place...i haven't really heard of any but if there are synthetic oils...they will be pretty hard to manufacture on such a large scale because it takes more to maufacture oil than gas. so its just better to use gas.

  2. At present synthetic oil can not be made into gasoline.That would produce silicone oxide and I think that would be much worse than CO2.

  3. There are many ways to make gasoline.

    One project I might work on (and funded by "Big Oil") would be investigating how catalysts can be used to improve the Fischer-Tropsch process, which converts carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane (produced from the partial burning of cellulose) into long hydrocarbon chains.  These hydrocarbon chains can be used to create gasoline, diesel, lubricants (a.k.a. synthetic motor oil), and plastics.

    Vegetable oil can also be used as an input into standard refining processes. The products can be the same old things we are already familiar with from refineries.  This is known generally as vegetable oil refining.

    It is also possible to distill bio-diesel to sort out the lighter weight chains.  These can then be used as bio-gasoline, while the remainder can still generally be used as bio-diesel or even bio-kerosene.

    Bitumen (asphalt, derived from plant matter and essentially pre-oil) can also be used to create synthetic oils which can then be altered into other products.

    And of course, the plain old distillation of crude oil to sort out the lighter weight, non-volatile molecules which comprise gasoline.  Sometimes, the heavier and lighter (volatile) molecules are chemically altered to produce even more gasoline.

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