
How many diffrent type of species of humans are there?

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How many different type of species of humans are there?




  1. these kinds of questions are one of the reason this thing is so addictive and I spend so many hours answering questions when I could be doing so many other things!


  2. mongoloid,Caucasoid and *******. 3.These may be old terms and used more to name the origins.At the time they were the terms used. Homo erectus is probably a better term but is very general.You could have lots of definitions if you get more technical. In general 1.

  3. One - Homo Sapiens

  4. 1 species.

  5. There are more than one species of human, its jsut that for politically correct reaons we call the races not species. think about it, when an animal migrates moves to a new environment, then adapts to that eviranment it gets classified as a different species. Black people are addapted to lots of sun, hence the extra meletonin in their skin, white people have adapted to colder climates, asians etc. there are four main species of humans. caucasion, african american, mongloid (aka asian, alaskan native american), indian. then there are a diverse spectrum of subspecies from these four main species. Be scientific about this people. we are not all alike and if we weren't so stuck on not accepting that we are animals too we would get classified as a different species. Each is suited to a particular habitat, what makes us different than other animals is that we are able to thrive outside of our ideal habitat because we can change an unsuitable environment to a suitable one.

    quick questions to all those that are going to say im full of c**p and that we didnt adapt to our environment seperately, one is look at the galopagoes islands, the second is how many red haired fair skinned irish do you see along the equator where the sun is the strongest???

    We are animals people, stop being so politaclly correct and try just being correct.

  6. There is only one species, namely homo sapiens. One of the qualifications for being a species is the ability to interbreed and produce fertile offspring, which all humans can do. There are other races though, which is just a way of classifying based on morphological features. This is what the other answerer was referring to with caucasoids, mongoloids, negroids, ect.

  7.   Humans are a single species.

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