
How many discus can I put in a 55 gallon tank? Which fish get along with discus?

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I have a 55 gallon fish tank and want to know how many discus i can put in it and what fish get along with it.




  1. how to set up the tank:

    tank buddies:

    well you can put some tetra in there about 10 of them and some angels. or if you want get some oscars. goodluck!!! =D also discus is not saltwater fish.

  2. discus should be in a nicely planted tank with driftwood, as far as roommates go, a little herd of neons would be nice with about 4 discus or maybe a pair

    of gold severns or a pair of urau

  3. simple rule of thumb. 1 gallon of water per inch of fish

  4. Discus are very beautiful but also very expensive and easy to kill if you don't know what you're doing.  They like to be kept in groups but don't get more than 5 or 6 until you know you can keep them alive.  Keep the temperature high - around 85 degrees and be prepared to do frequent water changes.  The person or store you buy your fish from should be able to answer most of your questions.  Most people keep them in bare tanks so you can easily observe the fish.  Keeping them in a planted tank is possible but much more complicated.

  5. First Of All Lilro Is talking RUBBISH!

    Discus require 10 gallons per adult and please please please! do not buy Discus if you have only kept fish for a year or 2!

    If you want your Discus to grow to the maximum size, Please do not plant your tank. Have a BB(Bare Bottom) tank

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