
How many drinks can you have before you get alcohol poisoning? Just a guesstimate?? anybody have a clue??

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How many drinks can you have before you get alcohol poisoning? Just a guesstimate?? anybody have a clue??




  1. I would say that it will equal to more than a bottle of any hard liquor (Rum Whisky, Vodka, etc)

  2. If your new to drinking I think probably 12 to 16 would do a pretty complete job.

  3. That would depend on weight, gender, and type of drink (alcohol content proof etc).  There is no way to generalize.

  4. it depends the % alcohol in the drink and the body type of the person

  5. I'll have the answer for you tomorrow, back to drinking now. Lol! I wouldn't find out if I were you.

  6. Well what are you drinking and how much? How tall are you and how much do you weight? It's hard to say...

  7. It really depends on the persons weight and hieght ratio as well as there tolerance level. It can be as little as a shot or two, or as much as 5 bottles of Jim Bean. Again, It totally depends on who you are. My brother, for example, is 6ft 2 and weighs 115 pounds and can drink two six packs of smirnoff and be fine, but if my sister tryed to do that 5tf and 4in she would be in the bathroom vomiting. Again, You can't guess on something like this, the best thing to do to prevent this is to not drink or to not drink to get drunk.

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