
How many drinks/day is too much?

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Just curious on everyones opinion. Is one drink a day too much, every other day, etc. What do you think?




  1. of alcohol you should no your limit of regular drinks never to much you pee it all out anyways

  2. Well....i mean...what do you call a drink? Waking up and putting whiskey in yer coffee? A martini with breakfast? LOL

    I'd say if you have one drink a might become a problem. Alcohol is social i think. The only time it;d seem ok to sit and have a drink alone would be say after a long day at work....and you feel like a glass of wine...or possibly a fruity fun drink after dinner.

    ps: there are some exceptions though i guess....bc my grandma is italian...and she has a glass of redwine with dinner everynight.

    Just be careful that it doesnt turn into a habit.


  3. For women, more than two drinks per day can considered having a drinking problem.  But...if a woman doesn't drink at all during the week and then gets loaded every Saturday night by having a week's worth, that's problem drinking, too.

    Moderate drinking is 1 or 2 standard sized drinks per day.  Anything over that is suspicious for abuse.  

  4. You can never have to much liquids.  

  5. i don't think you can drink too much. as long as it's water i think it's okay to drink as much as you want.

    or are you talking about alcohol?

    alcohol is so bad for you. good luck losing brain cells :]

  6. adsasfasfsaf

  7. They say a glass of wine or a glass of beer once a day is actually good for your heart.

  8. Drinking everyday is too much no matter how many it is.



  9. I'D SAY AT LEAST 3!!!  

  10. I don't think a drink a day would hurt or every other day...everything should be done in moderation!

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