
How many drinks of alcohol are you allowed when pregnant?

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in one night say if you go for a meal and fancied a few?? i know most people will say none, but just want to know!




  1. Some doctors say a glass of wine every once in awhile would not harm your baby some say it would even do some good..but still Why would you want to risk Harming your child for alcohol??

  2. NONE!!!! What r u crazy!!!

  3. NONE duh!

  4. There really is no safe amount, it's not worth the risk.

  5. I have a thing for strawberry daiquiri's.  I've been getting them without the alcohol for over a year now.  The smallest amount can hurt your baby, and you won't know it until after you give birth.

  6. The answer is truly 0. You should never drink alcohol while pregnant. Just smell the drink.... that's all the further I would go.

  7. none and if you're asking this question, you shouldnt be pregnant.

  8. NONE! no matter how little you have, a good mother would have NONE!

  9. Everyone on here is saying absolutely nothing but both of my Doctors said a glass of wine here and there will do nothing to harm my baby.  I'm not personally comfortable drinking while pregnant however I am not sure why two doctors would say that, if it would harm the baby.  Now one glass of wine is different then a "few."  My doctor did not say a glass a day.  She made it sound more like a glass every other week.

    I would suggest no drinking and if you are having a glass of wine, make sure it is not frequent and is an actual glass, not a big glass.

  10. safe side none, However my cousin drank 2 full glasses of beer a day through her whole pregnancy, trust e the whole family was pi$$ed off and very worried. We were all convinced about what was going to happen, and turns out he seems to be completely fine. We are worried that something might turn up later on down the line but at this point(6 months) he seems to be fine. I hope and pray that he stays that way and he never has any problems. I myself did not drink a drop, it's too risky for me.

  11. my sister is 39 weeks pregnant, and she drinks 1 glass of wine a week. aslong as you dont go out and get absolutly pis*ed then you will be fine having a glass of wine or something....

    some people think bad of people that have a drink, but like i said, do it in moderation.

    look at all the things your not ment to do when pregnant, like drink coffee,you really think these people dont have atleast 1 coffee......come on be real...

    why am i gettin thumbs only being not saying that i am going to drink, im just sayin that a glass of wine is ok.....

    o and thats from the doctors mouth by the way....

  12. Personally none but they say a glass of wine is OK ...the smell made me sick ...but i don't see the point in drinking anything i mean your only pregnant nine months !

  13. These are the facts from the nhs website:

    Many women go off the taste of alcohol when they're pregnant. But if you're not one of them, here are the facts.

    When you drink, alcohol passes from your blood, through the placenta, to your baby. A baby's liver is one of the last organs to develop fully and does not mature until the latter half of pregnancy. Therefore, your baby cannot process alcohol as well as you can, and is exposed to greater amounts of alcohol for longer periods of time.

    Alcohol isn't just dangerous for the baby in the first three months. If you drink heavily during pregnancy, a particular group of problems could develop, known as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Children with FAS have:

    Restricted growth

    Facial abnormalities

    Life-long learning and behavioural disorders

    Regular on-going drinking in pregnancy above the recommended levels, as well as binge drinking, may still be associated with lesser forms of the full FAS, referred to as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

    It may be that you weren't deliberately trying for a baby, but have conceived by accident. If this has happened to you, stop drinking altogether as soon as you find out you are pregnant - or if you do drink reduce your alcohol consumption to no more than 1-2 units once or twice a week

  14. NONE!

  15. None!!  Any amount of alcohol may harm your baby.  Babies exposed to alcohol, otherwise known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders can suffer a range of effects, from subtle learning disabilities to central nervous system disorders and facial anomalies.

    I don't really think it's worth the chance.

  16. its not recommended BUT if you choose to drink you should not drink more than one or two 'units' once or twice a week and never get drunk.

    a unit equals half a pint of beer


    a single measure of spirit


    175ml glass of wine

  17. Why would you want to drink while you're pregnant? Think about your baby's brain and organs developing quickly every second. Would you want to do something to botch that process up? I think you know that booze is not healthy for kids or unborn babies (or adults for that matter). Is your question serious?

  18. your not suppose to have any but sometimes ppl may have ONE glass of a soft wine.

  19. Count me in with those that say none. Zero, none, Nada etc. Alcohol kills brain cells in the drinker, your baby is developing in your womb, what you eat and drink he/she eats and drinks.

  20. 'fancied a few'?! absolutely not! by most dr.'s accounts, it is safe to have one small glass of wine at dinner for many women, but i wouldnt even take that risk.. just abstain from drinking any alcohol and you will save yourself the worry and torment of having a disabled or handicapped child.

  21. dont be selfish, lay off the booze!

  22. uh none? why'd u ask if you know the answer...some dumb *** on here is going to tell you its ok, so rather than listen to thousands of smart people you will go and drink because one stupid person says it ok

  23. A glass of wine for dinner, the one that said something like a good mother would have none is just a bubble wrap mum. Don't get drunk or even tipsy and only drink when eating. Don't worry about being a good or bad mother if you do/don't drink too

    Read what Laura M wrote and ignore all the bias things here, and try to look at other websites too, proper medical websites that are non-bias

  24. none at all,inless you want to risk harming your baby.

  25. NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  26. None None None. End of answer.

  27. 9 months without alcohol isn't that long trust me. Don't have any

  28. ummm.zilch,nada,zero,none.

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