
How many drinks would it take me (details inside)

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I am a girl (obviously) and weigh around 116, say 5"7' feet tall.. If I just had a good dinner an hour or so before, how many drinks would it take to get me drunk (and what blood alcohol content level is considered drunk?? .15??) how many shots can I do?? and what about cocktails, say I only drink cocktails, how many of those could I down, like 3?? I have little experience drinking, and have only had a few cocktails and glasses of wine here and there

and what limit is safe to say I won't throw up/ get drunk?

thanks very muchh xoxo




  1. nobody can give you a limit... just find out urself... cause u feel dizzy, when you start feeling to dizzy stop drinking... and dont sleep cause you might throw up.. after half an hour, u can sleep ;)  

  2. Bla bla bla, it varies from person to person, no two people are alike, you only way to learn your own limits is to test them yourself, other people can't figure it out for you, bla bla bla...

  3. it kinda goes like this...for every shot u take or for any beer u drink youre blood alcohol level goes up by o.o2 but it depands on youre own body and you cant realy analyze it to much. by law you will be drunk after 2-3 drinks best advice to you is dont mixed too many drinks togeder( dont do a shot of vodaka and then drink whiski..)

  4. there is more technical advice out there, should be able to access it with a search engine

    but it's generally 1 standard drink per hour (depends on the alcohol content of the drink)

    it takes a set amount of time for each drink to be processed by the liver

    be kind to your liver is all i can advise lol

    enjoy yourself in moderation, have a friend around when drinking and whatever you do don't drive cheers mate

  5. Well I am a dude and weigh 158, 6 feet tall, fit, charming personality..

    lol but to answer your question, I think you'll find this really helpful and easy to use:

    it's a BAC calculator that was made by University of Oklahoma's police department. You can enter in your weight, drink of choice (literally dozens to choose from), how many drinks you want to consume, and the timeframe in which you choose to drink them in.

    and then it tells you your BAC level! horray!!!

    And as for obtaining that lovely level of intoxication we call drunk.. it really depends on the person.

    Considering legal intoxication is 0.8,

    I'd say that around 0.15 will get you to the onset of being 'drunk', but by no means is that a bad thing. You'll be sloppy with speech, movement, and will suddenly become completely infatuated with your phone!

    0.2 is when the blackouts start. But hey, nothings funnier than piecing together last night's events with a group of friends at breakfast ;)

    If you scroll down on that website, they'll have complete descriptions of how you'll act at each BAC level. hope that helps!

    check ya laterrr babe

  6. Well because shots are potent it is more likely the gag reflex will hit you if you have too many. If they are mixed make sure the mix isn't too sweet or there isn't too much cola because that sits and swirls in your gut. I'd say about 6 or 7 since you have drunk before.

  7. U wanna get drunk fast??

    Guzzle 4 glass of wine.

    Dat should get u high in a flirty( u noe wat i mean) way, and the best thing is u won't puke unless u can't take wine.

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