
How many driving lessons did you take before you passed?

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and how many times did you take the test?




  1. Didn't take driving lessons, passed first time.

  2. I have had 11 lessons, and have got my test booked for a month  from now, fingers crossed.

  3. 15x 2 hour lessons and passed first time.i was 31 and 9 months pregnant

  4. About 20 lessons

    Passed 2nd time

    (1st time was a ******* joke to fail me.. b*****d!)

  5. when i was in va, i failed the written test  2 times and passed on 3rd one. had to wait certain amount of day before retaking. stuck with learner permit for 2 years, moved to md, redid all permit, passed first time and did behind the wheel, and final testing at mva and then now on provisional licence, full licence in feb

  6. 12 and once

  7. 1 week of lessons that didn't do anything, and passed first time

  8. 60 lessons,3 tests, when i did finaly pass i couldent afford a car because i had used all me money on lessons.

  9. 13

  10. 14 and 1

  11. 2 lessons, only need the test 1 time.

    My mom let me drive around an empty field a number of times when I was younger. That helped give me a better feel for a car when test time came around.

  12. 0 and 1 I just read the book I started driving at age 12 on writing test I got a 100% drive test 98% on the c.d.l test i got same score  

  13. I didn't take any driving lessons, and the only reason I didn't pass the fist time is because I couldn't parallel park on the first try, so it only too me 2 trys before I passed.  

  14. I had about 15 lessons and i had 1 test and passed 1st time!!

  15. Took the test twice.

    First in the Army and failed.

    Second with BSM and passed.

    As to lessons well we just drove in the Army most days. Had to have a full Licence holder on board but nobody bothered much.

    They were right to fail me though. I was speeding !!

  16. 12 hours failed first time, then passed after another 4 x 2 hour lessons.

  17. One driving lesson and I took the test once (I didn't study and I got a 96%).

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