
How many earthquakes will it take before global warming sceptics quit being in denial????

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Why are there still many sceptics about global warming?????????Even after all the earth quakes!




  1. LoL. Clever answer from the lady above LoL.. I'll just give her a poke .. hold on..j-just can't rea.. no can't reach.

  2. Earthquakes are in no way related to the THEORY of Global Warming. Take a Geology class.

    It's better to remain quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove any doubt.

  3. Earthquakes are caused by the shifting of the crusts plates as they float on the liquid mantle ie. plate tectonics. They have absolutely nothing to do with global warming.

  4. Skeptics aren't in denial.  We're waiting for some shred of evidence man is responsible for climate change.  The data gathered thus far points to a yet undiscovered cause, considering the Sun is exhibiting unusual activity as well.  Those who ignore the measurable changes taking place in space are the ones in denial.

  5. WTF dude... earthquakes are created by global warming toooooo????????

    Dag, I think the wad of gum stuck to my shoe must have been caused by it tooo then!!!!

    Nice!!   what else can we come up with too blame the mythical manmade global warming on....???

  6. Right - Global warming expands the tectonic plates which cause earthquakes.

    This is the proof that was missing for me to believe that so-called "global warming" was real.

    I'm glad there smart people like you advancing the global warming agenda.

  7. umm, earthquakes have been going on since before humans were even on this earth...has nothing to do with global warming!

  8. I require 328 earthquakes before I will consider global warming a valid idea.

  9. I hate to tell you this, but literally millions of earthquakes occur every year, and that's been the case throughout history.  Earthquakes in and of themselves don't necessarily have anything to do with global warming.  Sorry.

  10. Global warming skeptics are just plain ignorant for the sake of convenience.  

    Note that they all want science to "prove" global warming before they'll start to step out of their wasteful comfort zones.   However, even Gravity isn't scientifically proven so by their logic, I guess they don't believe in gravity either.  It must be luck that keeps us stuck on Earth instead of floating into space.

  11. I am skeptic because it has been the coolest Spring in history in Chicago.  I was freezing at a 54 degree baseball game on Tuesday.

    Show me a fact - not an extrapolated data point and then the discussion can begin.

  12. Uhh.... quakes have nothing to do with global warming. Unless global warming somehow influence the inner core temperature of the earth, which I believe it doesn't.

  13. Earthquakes don't have anything to do with weather.  Nor does volcano's.  I think you need to educate yourself a little bit better about the whole global warming debate.  You will see that its not so cut and dry.      I will tell you a reason about why there are global warming skeptics.  Remember this past winter, there were record snowfalls in a lot of places.  Also there has been proof that the ocean water temp. is actually decreasing, and scientist that "believe" in GW even admit that.

  14. Earthquakes.....

  15. Geeze!!

  16. What do earthquakes have to do with global warming??

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